Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

Epic Rap Battle of History - Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking (Terjemahan Indonesia)

Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking

[Verse 1: Albert Einstein (MC Mr Napkins)]
When I apply my battle theory                  
Ketika mengaplikasikan teori battle gue

Minds are relatively blown"                        
Secara relatif pikiran meledak

So take a seat Steve                                     
Jadi silahkan lo duduk Steve

Oops — I see you brought your own!    
Opps, gua lupa lu bawa kursi sendiri.

What's with your voice                                  
Kenapa dengan suara lo?

I can't frickin tell                                               
Suara lu gresek

You sound like WALL-E                                   
Ngomong kayak robot Wall-E

Having sex with a Speak & Spell                  
Ngesex dengan ngomong dan ngeja

I'll school you anywhere                                                
Gue nyekolahin lo dimana aja

MIT to Oxford                                                    
Dari MIT ke Oxford

All your fans will be like                                  
Fans lo semua kayak;

Um, that was awkward                                  
umm itu Mr. Awkward

I'm as dope as two rappers, you better be scared              
Gua seperti obat bius dua rapper, dan lo sebaiknya takut

Cuz that means Albert E. equals MC squared       
Karna Albert E sama dengan MC kuadrat

[Verse 2: Stephen Hawking(Nice Peter)]
You've got no idea what you're messin' with here boy
Lo gk ngerti dengan siapa lo ngajak ribut 

I've got 12 inch rims on my chair that's how I roll y'all
Gua punya veleg 12 inchi di kursi yang gua pake buat ngelindeslu sambil ngebut

You look like someone glued a mustache on a troll doll
Lo kayak orang yang nempelin kumis di boneka troll

I'll be stretchin' out the rhyme like gravity stretches time
Gua akan merentangkan sajak seperti gravitasi membentang waktu

When you try to put your little pea brain against this kind of mind
ketika lu make otak kacang lu untuk melawan otak pinter gua

I'm the best
gua yang terbaik

I'm the Snoop Dogg of Science
Snoop Dogg nya Sains

I'll be dropping mad apples on your head from the shoulders of giants
Gua jatuhin apel gila di kepala lu dari pundak raksasa

[Verse 3:Albert Einstein (MC Mr Napkins)]
I'm the giant whose shoulders you'd have stood on if you could stand
Gua adalah raksasa yang bahu nya lu pijak, itu juga klo lu bisa berdiri

I'll give you a brief history of pain with the back of my hand
Gua kasih lu sejarah singkat tentang rasa sakit punggung tangan gua 

You can't destroy matter or me for serious
Lo gk bisa ngancurin gua, for serious

Ripping holes in you bigger than the hole in your black hole theory was
Menyobek lubang lebih lebar dari teori lubang hitam lo

[Verse 4 Stephen Hawking (Nice Peter)]
There are ten million million million million million million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe
Ada sepuluh juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta partikel di alam semesta yang bisa diobservasi
Your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd
 Mak lo ngambil partikel paling buruk dan nempatin nya dalam orang kutu buku

You wanna bring the heat with the mushroom clouds you're making
 Lu mau bawa panas dengan awan jamur yang lu bikin

I'm about to bake raps from scratch like Carl Sagan
Gua baru aja pengen manggang rap dari awal seperti Carl Sagan

While it's true that my work is based on you
memang benar temuan gua berasal dari lu

I'm a super-computer you're like a TI-82
tapi gua super komputer sedangkan lu kalkulator TI-82

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016


Itulah saat yang memisahkan aroma kehidupan dari kesadarannya.
Itulah percikan api pertama yang menyalakan wilayah-wilayah jiwa.
Itulah nada magis pertama yang dipetik dari dawai-dawai perak hati manusia.

Itulah saat sekilas yang menyampaikan pada telinga jiwa tentang risalah hari-
hari yang telah berlalu dan mengungkapkan karya kesadaran yang dilakukan
malam, menjadikan mata jernih melihat kenikmatan di dunia dan menjadikan
misteri-misteri keabadian di dunia ini hadir.

Itulah benih yang ditaburan oleh Ishtar, dewi cinta, dari suatu tempat yang

Mata mereka menaburkan benih di dalam ladang hati, perasaan memeliharanya,
dan jiwa membawanya kepada buah-buahan.

Pandangan pertama kekasih adalah seperti roh yang bergerak di permukaan air
mengalir menuju syurga dan bumi. Pandangan pertama dari sahabat kehidupan
menggambarkan kata-kata Tuhan, "Jadilah, maka terjadilah ia"

 - Khalil Gibran

Just Maybe

Maybe sometimes people did not actually change. Maybe you just never knew who they really were.
And I maybe just don't know who you really are. I just don't know how your feeling toward me.
Or maybe I know nothing.

Sompe’ Tradition

Sompe’ is an activity where someone leaves their hometown to another place for finding a better life. Sompe’ is come from Bugis words, which mean “leave”, and usually the purpose of leave their hometown is to prove that they are all already autonomous. This philosophy became a tradition for Bugis people. Even the history said that people in Bugis had been sailed the sea since centuries ago. And even they sailed with Phinisi boat. Bugis sailors able to sail through Pasific Ocean to Vancouher, Canada. The braveness of Bugis sailor was very amazing. The ones who doing sompe is called as pasompe.
To support their activities in the sea, they made quite a reliable means of transportation. The name is Phinisi ship, the type of sailing ship that made of wood but has a great ability to sail. Pinisi ship able to sail the ocean and across high wave in the middle of the sea. Until now Phinisi ship produces in Tanah Beru, Bulukumba.
Sompe is the part or the way of Bugis’s life that it can’t be separate to Bugis people. Because they have the spirit of sompe, we can see them in many provinces in Indonesia, such as, Yogyakarta, Bali, Aceh, Papua, Kalimantan, Singapura, Malaysia, and even South Africa. In the country of Nelson Mandela, exist a group of people from Bugis Makasar and the major religion in that place are muslim. Shekh Yusuf is a theologician from south Sulawesi that ever spread Islam to South Africa.
According to Bugis people, there are three factors for doing sompe. The first is because the economy factor. Generally, Bugis people made this as a factor of sompe. They leave their hometown and live in another place across the sea to get a better life. They leave their hometown when they think live in their hometown is not good. With this reason, we are able to see people from Bugis in our provinces.
The second factor is because the desire of knowledge. There are many people in Bugis leaves their hometown to seek knowledge in another place. There is an ancient aphorism who said “Tuntutlah ilmu sampai ke negeri China” which means “You have to seek knowledge until China”. Because of this philosophy that already in their heart, They are willing to seek knowledge as far as they can, even until China. Knowledge is the basic need for every individuals, moreover for adults. This is an obligation criteria for Bugis people. Because they will become a role model in Bugis society, one of them is macca (smart), besides that they also must be sogi (have much money), pandrita (Theologician who has knowledge of religion)
The third is siri’ or pride. The meaning of siri’  here is the lost of siri’ or pride. It’s well known as tabbe siri. The ones who break the regulations or norms in society, and they will got customary punishments like dippopangi tanah or evicted from village or hometown. As a result, the ones who tabbe siri’ must leave their hometown and go sompe’. Usually, the cases of tabbe siri’ is because women problems, for example there is a man who impregnates  before marriage and also Cheats to another woman and etc. the doer will be evicted from their hometown. Meanwhile in the side of victim or women, will leave their hometown because of shame. They are reputed as a person who cannot keep their pride.

The philosophy of Sompe’.
According to George Junus Aditjondro, the writer of kontroversial Gurita Cikeas book. He said that Bugis people are discipline for work, and very honor to keep their pride. They are embrace the philosophy of life that honor the three freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of trying, and freedom reside. If one of them, two, or even three of freedom was undermined by the governor, they better move, rather than live under oppression. And when they live in another place, they need to learn the philosophy of Tellu Cappa. Tellu Cappa means Three Tops, first is Cappa Lila or the top of tongue. This part is needed for diplomat with a good way and well mannered to adapt for new environment. People get appreciation from the way they speak. The second top is Cappa Kawali or the top of Badik. Badik is a sharp weapon like keris(wavy souble-bladed dagger) as a complement for Bugis-man. Badik is a symbol of man's left rib that lost because created Eve for Adam. Without Badik, the man is not complete as a man. Beside as a symbol, actually badik has philosophy as a tool for keep their pride or siri’. And the last top or cappa is the top of the genitals or Cappa Teme. It is the basic need for man. Usually before leaving their hometown, especially for unmarried one, they will get a lesson regarded to this last cappa. The lesson is do not sheathed this weapon at random sheath, or hang around at several sheath. The philosophy of this cappa, actually this is means to give a good generation in the country where they live or adapt to society in the country through a wedding. In short, this last cappa is to be careful for choosing a wive.