Minggu, 03 Juli 2016

Epic Rap Battle of History - Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking (Terjemahan Indonesia)

Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking

[Verse 1: Albert Einstein (MC Mr Napkins)]
When I apply my battle theory                  
Ketika mengaplikasikan teori battle gue

Minds are relatively blown"                        
Secara relatif pikiran meledak

So take a seat Steve                                     
Jadi silahkan lo duduk Steve

Oops — I see you brought your own!    
Opps, gua lupa lu bawa kursi sendiri.

What's with your voice                                  
Kenapa dengan suara lo?

I can't frickin tell                                               
Suara lu gresek

You sound like WALL-E                                   
Ngomong kayak robot Wall-E

Having sex with a Speak & Spell                  
Ngesex dengan ngomong dan ngeja

I'll school you anywhere                                                
Gue nyekolahin lo dimana aja

MIT to Oxford                                                    
Dari MIT ke Oxford

All your fans will be like                                  
Fans lo semua kayak;

Um, that was awkward                                  
umm itu Mr. Awkward

I'm as dope as two rappers, you better be scared              
Gua seperti obat bius dua rapper, dan lo sebaiknya takut

Cuz that means Albert E. equals MC squared       
Karna Albert E sama dengan MC kuadrat

[Verse 2: Stephen Hawking(Nice Peter)]
You've got no idea what you're messin' with here boy
Lo gk ngerti dengan siapa lo ngajak ribut 

I've got 12 inch rims on my chair that's how I roll y'all
Gua punya veleg 12 inchi di kursi yang gua pake buat ngelindeslu sambil ngebut

You look like someone glued a mustache on a troll doll
Lo kayak orang yang nempelin kumis di boneka troll

I'll be stretchin' out the rhyme like gravity stretches time
Gua akan merentangkan sajak seperti gravitasi membentang waktu

When you try to put your little pea brain against this kind of mind
ketika lu make otak kacang lu untuk melawan otak pinter gua

I'm the best
gua yang terbaik

I'm the Snoop Dogg of Science
Snoop Dogg nya Sains

I'll be dropping mad apples on your head from the shoulders of giants
Gua jatuhin apel gila di kepala lu dari pundak raksasa

[Verse 3:Albert Einstein (MC Mr Napkins)]
I'm the giant whose shoulders you'd have stood on if you could stand
Gua adalah raksasa yang bahu nya lu pijak, itu juga klo lu bisa berdiri

I'll give you a brief history of pain with the back of my hand
Gua kasih lu sejarah singkat tentang rasa sakit punggung tangan gua 

You can't destroy matter or me for serious
Lo gk bisa ngancurin gua, for serious

Ripping holes in you bigger than the hole in your black hole theory was
Menyobek lubang lebih lebar dari teori lubang hitam lo

[Verse 4 Stephen Hawking (Nice Peter)]
There are ten million million million million million million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe
Ada sepuluh juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta juta partikel di alam semesta yang bisa diobservasi
Your mama took the ugly ones and put them into one nerd
 Mak lo ngambil partikel paling buruk dan nempatin nya dalam orang kutu buku

You wanna bring the heat with the mushroom clouds you're making
 Lu mau bawa panas dengan awan jamur yang lu bikin

I'm about to bake raps from scratch like Carl Sagan
Gua baru aja pengen manggang rap dari awal seperti Carl Sagan

While it's true that my work is based on you
memang benar temuan gua berasal dari lu

I'm a super-computer you're like a TI-82
tapi gua super komputer sedangkan lu kalkulator TI-82

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